14 Finals Tips for 2014

It’s that time of the academic term, when everything starts to wind down and you’re so close to a holiday break! Finals can be a stressful time for all students, so CAP has decided to provide you with another list of helpful finals tips to get you through! Enjoy the tips from CAP’s very own staff and VISTAs, and don’t forget to check out last year’s blog post with even MORE finals tips!

Shana (Strategic Communications and Development VISTA)

1. “I used to retype my notes. The habit of retyping information helped with memorization.”

Dora (Director of Programs)

2. “Highlight when reading books and notes (color coding could help identify different types of info).”


3. “Discuss info that is difficult with a friend/classmate (could be over the phone or face-to-face).”

Joyce (Lead Program Coordinator )

4.“STUDY! Honestly, the best way to prepare for any type of exam is to study. Start early! The more prepared you are the less anxious/nervous you will feel on the day of the test.”

5.“EAT! Make sure to take the time out of your busy schedules to feed yourself :)”

Katie (Program Coordinator)

6.“Attend study sessions and get additional help when needed.” (Visit your professors/TAs during office hours! They may be able to provide you with insight or help calm your nerves.)

Rodrigo (Program Coordinator)

7.“Know your habits and don’t fall victim to them–for example, I tend to fall victim to tardiness so I show up early for exams so I don’t rush through anything.”

Michael (Resource Development VISTA)

8.“Remember about ‘state dependent learning.’ If you’re amped up on caffeine while studying you better be amped up on caffeine when taking the test.”

9. “Don’t eat sugary treats just before your exams. You’ll end up with a sugar crash during the middle of the exam. Try some granola bars or fruits for energy.”

Erin (Outreach and Alumni Engagement VISTA)

10.“Map out a finals week schedule BEFORE your finals actually start. Make sure you know exactly what is due and on what day during finals week, that way you can study accordingly and get everything done on time.”

Use a plain piece of paper, a planner, or both!

Use a plain piece of paper, a planner, or both!

11.“Be realistic: if you only have 2 hours before a test and haven’t started studying yet, know that you will only get 2 hours’ worth of info into your memory. Stay on track with your study schedule to avoid this!”

Joanne (Program Development VISTA)

12.“Create a pump up playlist for the commute to your preferred place of study. It’ll put you in a really good mood and it’ll make you feel like you’re ready to conquer anything! Trust me, everyone loves the person who enthusiastically sits down at a library cubby and gets excited to do get things done. Just kidding. Everyone hates that person because they’re jealous, but let them hate.”

For an example of a great study time playlist,click here!

Mo (Executive Director)

13.“Take dance breaks. Dancing provides a fantastic tension release!”

14.“Sleep. No joke. Staying up late seems like a good idea when you have a ton of studying to do, but our brains don’t retain information on too little sleep. Balance studying with a good night’s rest — and even occasional naps — to ensure that you remember all that stuff that you’ve jammed into your brain!”

We wish you the best of luck! If you want more stress-relieving tips and tricks for finals week, check out our Pinterest board, “College: Stay Healthy, Stay Happy!”